Choosing the Right Battery for You Home in Brisbane

Choosing the right battery for your home in Brisbane can be a daunting task. With the rise of solar power, the need for efficient energy storage has never been greater.

by Sarah Dorweiler (

In this guide, we’ll help you navigate the complex world of home batteries. We’ll explore the key factors to consider when making your Brisbane home battery choice. From understanding the basics of home batteries to comparing the top-rated batteries for 2024, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll also delve into the cost considerations and government incentives available. Plus, we’ll provide tips on installation and maintenance.

Whether you’re new to solar power or looking to upgrade your current system, this guide is for you. Let’s embark on this journey to energy independence together.

Understanding Home Battery Basics

Home batteries are a key component of any solar system. They store the excess energy produced by your solar panels for later use.

This stored energy can be used when your solar panels aren’t producing electricity, such as at night or during power outages. Here are some key terms to understand:

  • Capacity: The total amount of electricity that a battery can store, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
  • Power: The amount of electricity that a battery can deliver at one time, measured in kilowatts (kW).
  • Depth of Discharge (DoD): The percentage of a battery’s energy that has been discharged relative to the overall capacity.
  • Round-trip Efficiency: The difference between the amount of energy used to charge it and the available energy.

Types of Home Batteries

There are several types of home batteries available on the market. The most common types are lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the three main types of batteries:

  • Lithium-ion batteries
  • Lead-acid batteries
  • Other battery technologies (e.g., flow batteries, saltwater batteries)

Lithium-ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are the most popular choice for home energy storage. They have a high energy density, meaning they can store a lot of energy in a small space.

Lead-acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are a tried-and-true technology that’s been used for over a century. While they have a lower energy density and shorter lifespan than lithium-ion batteries, they are often cheaper.

Other Battery Technologies

Other battery technologies include flow batteries and saltwater batteries. These are less common but offer unique benefits, such as longer lifespans and the ability to be fully discharged without damage.

How to Calculate Your Energy Storage Needs

To choose the right battery, you need to understand your energy storage needs. Start by looking at your electricity bill to find out how much energy you use in a day.

Then, consider how much of that energy you want to cover with your battery. For example, if you want to be completely energy independent, you’ll need a battery that can store all the energy you use in a day.

Assessing Your Solar System Compatibility

Not all batteries are compatible with all solar systems. You’ll need to check the specifications of your solar inverter to see what types of batteries it can work with.

If you’re installing a new solar system, consider choosing an inverter that’s compatible with a range of battery types. This will give you more flexibility when choosing a battery.

Key Factors in Choosing a Home Battery

When choosing a home battery, there are several key factors to consider. These include the battery’s capacity and power, its depth of discharge and efficiency, and its warranty and lifespan.

  • Capacity and Power: How much energy the battery can store and how much it can deliver at once.
  • Depth of Discharge and Efficiency: How much of the battery’s energy can be used and how efficiently it can convert stored energy into usable electricity.
  • Warranty and Lifespan: How long the battery is expected to last and the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty.

Capacity and Power

The capacity of a battery is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This tells you how much energy the battery can store. The power of a battery, measured in kilowatts (kW), tells you how much energy the battery can deliver at once.

For example, a battery with a capacity of 10 kWh and a power of 5 kW could run a 5 kW appliance for 2 hours.

Depth of Discharge and Efficiency

The depth of discharge (DoD) of a battery refers to how much of the battery’s energy can be used. For example, a battery with a DoD of 90% can use 90% of its stored energy before it needs to be recharged.

The efficiency of a battery refers to how efficiently it can convert stored energy into usable electricity. A higher efficiency means less energy is lost in the conversion process.

Warranty and Lifespan

The warranty and lifespan of a battery are also important factors to consider. The warranty should cover any defects in the battery and provide a guarantee of the battery’s performance over a certain period of time.

The lifespan of a battery refers to how long it’s expected to last before it needs to be replaced. This is usually measured in cycles, with one cycle being a full charge and discharge of the battery.

Cost Considerations and Incentives

The cost of a home battery is a significant factor in the decision-making process. It’s important to consider not only the upfront cost of the battery but also the long-term savings it can provide.

A home battery can help reduce your electricity bills by storing excess solar energy for use when the sun isn’t shining. This can lead to significant savings over the life of the battery.

Government Rebates and Subsidies in Brisbane

In Brisbane, there are several government incentives available to help offset the cost of a home battery. These include rebates and subsidies that can significantly reduce the upfront cost of the battery.Battery Booster rebate for householders | Homes and housing | Queensland Government (

It’s important to research these incentives and factor them into your cost calculations. Keep in mind that these incentives can change, so it’s a good idea to check the latest information from the government.

Top-Rated Batteries for 2024: Reviews and Comparisons

When choosing a home battery, it’s crucial to consider the latest reviews and comparisons. These can provide valuable insights into the performance, reliability, and value for money of different battery brands.

Here are some of the top-rated batteries for 2024 based on reviews and comparisons:

  • Tesla Powerwall 2, LG Chem, SolarEdge, Q-Cells: Known for its high capacity and efficiency, Brand A is a popular choice among Brisbane homeowners.
  •  With a strong warranty and excellent customer service, 
  • BYD, Sungrow, Enphase, Goodwe, Alpha ESS, and most other brands on the Australian market:  stands out for its advanced technology and smart features.
  •  If you’re looking for a budget-friendly option, is worth considering

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation and maintenance are key to maximizing the lifespan and efficiency of your home battery. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and to regularly check the system for any issues.

Remember, a poorly installed or maintained battery can lead to reduced performance and even safety risks. Therefore, it’s worth investing in professional installation and regular maintenance checks.

Finding a Reputable Installer in Brisbane

When it comes to installation, choosing a reputable installer in Brisbane is crucial. They should have the necessary qualifications and experience to ensure a safe and efficient installation.

Don’t hesitate to ask for references or check online reviews. A good installer will be able to answer all your questions, provide a clear quote, and offer a warranty for their work. Remember, a quality installation is a key step in making the right Brisbane home battery choice. Please take a look at the Solar and battery Packages we offer:

Conclusion: Making Your Brisbane Home Battery Choice

In conclusion, choosing the right home battery in Brisbane involves considering various factors. From understanding your energy needs to comparing battery types, warranties, and costs, it’s a decision that requires careful thought and research.

Checklist for Homeowners

To help you in your decision-making process, here’s a quick checklist:

  1. Understand your energy storage needs.
  2. Compare different battery types and their pros and cons.
  3. Consider the battery’s capacity, power, efficiency, and warranty.
  4. Check for government incentives and rebates.
  5. Choose a reputable installer in Brisbane.
  6. Consider the long-term costs and benefits.

Remember, the right Brisbane home battery choice can provide you with energy independence, cost savings, and a more sustainable lifestyle.

Please take a look at the Solar and battery Packages we offer:



Solar power is a growing trend in Australia.

With the country’s abundant sunshine, it’s an ideal place for harnessing solar energy.

But with so many solar panel and inverter brands on the market, how do you know which ones to trust?

This article aims to guide you through the process.

We’ll highlight the most reliable solar panel and inverter brands available in Australia.

We’ll also delve into what makes a brand trustworthy, from product quality and performance to warranty periods.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision about your solar power investment.

Understanding Solar Power in Australia

Australia is a world leader in solar power generation.

With over 2.4 million solar power systems installed across the country, it’s clear that Australians are embracing this renewable energy source.

The country’s sunny climate makes it an ideal location for solar power, offering homeowners and businesses a sustainable way to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint.

The Importance of Trusted Brands

When investing in a solar power system, choosing trusted solar panel and inverter brands is crucial.

These brands have a proven track record of reliability, performance, and customer satisfaction. They also adhere to industry standards and regulations, ensuring the safety and efficiency of their products.

  • Reliability: Trusted brands offer products that are built to last, ensuring that your solar power system will continue to generate energy efficiently for many years.
  • Performance: High-quality solar panels and inverters from reputable brands are designed to maximize energy production, even in less-than-ideal conditions.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Trusted brands are committed to customer satisfaction, offering comprehensive warranties and excellent customer service.
  • Safety and Efficiency: By adhering to industry standards and regulations, trusted brands ensure the safety and efficiency of their products.

Top Trusted Solar Panel Brands in Australia

Australia is home to a wide range of solar panel brands. However, not all are created equal.

Some brands stand out for their quality, performance, and customer satisfaction. These are the brands that have earned the trust of Australian homeowners and businesses.

Here are the top trusted solar panel brands in Australia:

  • SunPower
  • LG Solar
  • Trina Solar
  • Canadian Solar
  • Jinko
  • Longi or Suntech or JA

by Riccardo Trimeloni (”


SunPower is a global leader in solar innovation. Their panels are known for their high efficiency and durability.

With a strong warranty and excellent customer service, SunPower has earned a reputation as a trusted brand in Australia.

SunPower Solar Panelsby Biel Morro (”

LG Solar

LG Solar offers high-quality solar panels that are built to last. Their panels are highly efficient, ensuring maximum energy production.

With a strong presence in Australia, LG Solar is a brand that consumers can trust.

LG Solar Panelsby American Public Power Association (”

Trina Solar

Trina Solar is one of the world’s largest solar panel manufacturers. Their panels are known for their reliability and performance.

With a commitment to sustainability, Trina Solar is a trusted brand in the Australian market.

Trina Solar Panelsby Scott Webb (”


Q CELLS is a leading solar panel brand in Australia. Their panels are designed for durability and high performance.

With a strong warranty and excellent customer service, Q CELLS is a brand that Australians can trust.

Q CELLS Solar Panelsby National Cancer Institute (”

Canadian Solar

Canadian Solar is known for its high-quality solar panels. Their products are designed for reliability and efficiency.

With a strong presence in Australia, Canadian Solar is a trusted brand in the solar industry.

Canadian Solar Panelsby Giorgio Trovato (”

Top Trusted Solar Inverter Brands in Australia

Just as with solar panels, the quality of solar inverters varies greatly. A reliable inverter is crucial for a high-performing solar system.

Here are the top trusted solar inverter brands in Australia:

  • Fronius
  • SMA
  • Enphase
  • SolarEdge
  • ABB (now FIMER)
  • Sun grow
  • Good we
  • Solis

Top Trusted Solar Inverter Brands in Australiaby Laura Cros (”


Fronius is a global leader in solar inverter technology. Their inverters are known for their reliability and efficiency.

With a strong warranty and excellent customer service, Fronius is a trusted brand in Australia.

Fronius Solar Invertersby Justin Lim (”


SMA offers high-quality solar inverters that are built to last. Their inverters are highly efficient, ensuring maximum energy conversion.

With a strong presence in Australia, SMA is a brand that consumers can trust.

SMA Solar Invertersby American Public Power Association (”


Enphase is one of the world’s largest solar inverter manufacturers. Their microinverters are known for their reliability and performance.

With a commitment to innovation, Enphase is a trusted brand in the Australian market.

Enphase Solar Invertersby Ricardo Gomez Angel (”


SolarEdge is a leading solar inverter brand in Australia. Their inverters are designed for durability and high performance.

With a strong warranty and excellent customer service, SolarEdge is a brand that Australians can trust.

SolarEdge Solar Invertersby Vivint Solar (”


ABB, now known as FIMER, is known for its high-quality solar inverters. Their products are designed for reliability and efficiency.

With a strong presence in Australia, ABB (FIMER) is a trusted brand in the solar industry.

ABB (FIMER) Solar Invertersby Nikhil Mitra (”

What Makes a Solar Brand Trustworthy?

When it comes to solar power, not all brands are created equal. Trustworthy solar brands stand out in several key areas.

Firstly, they offer high-quality products. This means solar panels and inverters that are durable, efficient, and reliable. They use advanced technology and adhere to strict manufacturing standards.

Secondly, they provide excellent customer service. This includes offering comprehensive warranties, prompt and effective problem resolution, and helpful customer support.

Finally, they have a strong reputation in the industry. This is often reflected in positive customer reviews and industry awards.

In summary, a trustworthy solar brand:

  • Offers high-quality, reliable products
  • Provides excellent customer service
  • Has a strong industry reputation

Choosing a trustworthy brand can give you peace of mind that your solar system will perform well and last for many years.

The Role of Warranties and Certifications

Warranties and certifications play a crucial role in establishing a solar brand’s trustworthiness. A comprehensive warranty indicates that the brand stands behind its products and is willing to rectify any issues that may arise.

Certifications, on the other hand, demonstrate that the brand’s products meet certain industry standards. This could be in terms of safety, performance, or environmental impact. Brands with numerous certifications are likely to produce high-quality, reliable solar equipment.

Solar Panel and Inverter Features to Consider

When choosing solar panels and inverters, there are several key features to consider. These features can significantly impact the performance, efficiency, and longevity of your solar power system.

For solar panels, look for high efficiency, robust construction, and excellent performance under various weather conditions. The panel’s efficiency determines how much sunlight it can convert into usable electricity. A well-constructed panel can withstand harsh weather and last for many years.

Inverters, on the other hand, should have a high conversion efficiency, reliable performance, and advanced safety features. The inverter’s job is to convert the DC electricity produced by the solar panels into AC electricity that can be used in your home or fed back into the grid. Safety features, such as anti-islanding protection and fault detection, are crucial for safe operation.

The Impact of Australian Climate on Solar Equipment

Australia’s climate is diverse, with regions experiencing everything from scorching heat to heavy rainfall. This variability can affect the performance and lifespan of solar panels and inverters.

Solar equipment must be robust enough to withstand these conditions. High-quality solar panels and inverters are designed to perform well even in extreme temperatures and weather conditions. Therefore, when choosing a brand, consider how well their products can handle the Australian climate.

Leveraging Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials are a valuable resource when choosing a solar brand. They provide real-world insights into the performance and reliability of solar panels and inverters.

However, it’s important to consider the source of these reviews. Look for reviews on independent platforms or from trusted industry experts. This will help ensure the feedback is unbiased and reliable.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice for Your Solar Needs

Choosing the right solar panel and inverter brands is a crucial step in your solar journey. It’s about more than just cost; it’s about quality, reliability, and long-term energy savings.

Remember, a well-informed decision is a smart decision. Use this guide as a starting point, do your research, and choose a brand that aligns with your energy needs and values. Your choice will contribute to a sustainable future for all.

Please take a look at the Solar Packages we offer:

Solar Voltage Rise – why you should care with my solar system

Solar Voltage Rise – why you should care

Solar power is becoming increasingly popular as the world continues to shift towards green, renewable energy sources. Solar panels are being installed on rooftops, in fields, and even on the sides of buildings. This surge in solar power usage has led to a new phenomenon known as “solar voltage rise”. In this article, we will explore what solar voltage rise is, why you should care about it, and how to prevent it.

The trend towards solar energy is not only environmentally friendly but also economically beneficial. As solar technology advances, the efficiency of solar panels improves, making solar investments more attractive However, as adoption rates increase, certain challenges emerge. Solar voltage rise is one such technical challenge that can affect the performance and safety of solar power systems.

What is Solar Voltage Rise?

Solar voltage rise, also known as “solar voltage spike” or “solar overvoltage”, is a temporary increase in the voltage output of solar panels. This increase can occur during periods of high sunlight, or when there is a sudden decrease in cloud cover. The increase in voltage can be significant, ranging from a few volts to over 100 volts. This spike in voltage can cause damage to solar panels, inverters, and other components of the solar power system.

Why Does Solar Voltage Rise Occur?

Solar voltage rise occurs because solar panels are designed to operate at a specific voltage. When there is an increase in sunlight, the panels are able to produce more electricity, which leads to an increase in voltage. This voltage spike can occur even if the panels are not connected to a grid or a battery. It is a natural occurrence in solar panels and is not always a cause for concern.

The underlying physics of photovoltaic cells in solar panels is such that they convert light into electricity. When exposed to more light, they generate more electricity, which in turn increases the voltage. This is because the voltage of a solar panel is directly related to the intensity of the sunlight it receives. If the intensity increases suddenly, such as after a passing cloud, the voltage can rise quickly before the system has time to adjust.

However, if the voltage rise is significant and sustained, it can cause damage to the solar panels and other components of the solar power system. This is why it is important to monitor and regulate the voltage output of solar panels. Excessive voltage can stress the electrical insulation and connections, leading to potential failures or even fires if not properly managed.

Why Should You Care About Solar, Voltage Rise?

As an owner of solar panels, it’s important to be mindful of solar voltage rise for several reasons:

Safety: A significant voltage increase can be hazardous, particularly if you’re working on or near the solar panels. It poses risks to nearby electrical equipment and structures, including the potential for electric shocks and fire hazards due to electrical malfunctions.

Equipment Damage: As noted, a prolonged voltage rise can harm solar panels, inverters, and other solar power system components, leading to expensive repairs or replacements. While damage might not be immediately apparent, it can gradually impair the system’s performance and dependability.

Efficiency: A solar voltage rise can compromise your solar panels’ efficiency. Excessive voltage output may cause the panels to shut down or perform poorly, diminishing the energy they generate. An efficient system is crucial for maximizing investment returns and ensuring consistent electricity production.

  • Longevity: Frequent voltage spikes can reduce the lifespan of your solar panels and associated equipment, necessitating more regular replacements and incurring additional costs. Shielding your system from voltage rise is cost-effective over time and helps maintain your commitment to a sustainable future.

Preventing Solar Voltage Rise

 To prevent solar voltage rise and safeguard your solar power system, you can implement the following key strategies:

  1. Install a Voltage Regulator: A voltage regulator is a device that monitors and adjusts the voltage output of solar panels. It helps prevent voltage spikes and protects your equipment by ensuring that the voltage remains within a safe range.
  2. Install a Battery Storage System: Batteries can help regulate the voltage output of solar panels by storing excess energy and releasing it when needed. They act as a buffer, absorbing sudden spikes in voltage and providing a stable output to the grid or your home.
  3. Use Micro-Inverters: Instead of having one large inverter for your entire solar power system, micro-inverters can be installed on each individual panel. This allows for more precise control of voltage and can help prevent spikes. Each panel operates independently, reducing the overall risk of voltage rise affecting the entire system.
  4. Perform Regular Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain your solar panels and other equipment to ensure they are functioning properly. This helps identify any issues with voltage output and prevents damage. Regular maintenance includes cleaning the panels, checking connections, and ensuring all components are in good working order.

 5.Install your inverter near your Switchboard

To minimize solar voltage rise, we always try to minimize the length and increase the size of the cable between your switchboard and your inverter. Compare the two scenarios:

  1. Installing a 5kW inverter 5 meters away from your switchboard. A voltage rise calculation shows a 0.3 per cent voltage rise when we use our standard 6mm2 cable.
  2. Install the same 5kW inverter 25 meters away. Increase your cable to 10mm2. Your voltage rise issue would increase to 0.9 per cent.
  3. Installing your inverter further away from your main switchboard means your material cost goes up, your labor cost goes up, and your solar voltage rise goes up.

6.Increase your cable size

  • 5kW inverter can produce up to 21 amps. While a 2.5mm² cable is sufficient for 21 amps and is commonly used in Australian homes, solar voltage rise calculations often lead electricians to opt for a minimum of 4mm² cable to maintain a voltage rise under 2%, minimizing voltage drop is a priority. That’s why we use a 6mm² cable as the standard for a 5kW single-phase inverter. If the inverter is far from the switchboard and the voltage rise nears 2%, we’ll install parallel 6mm² cables to ensure reliability.

Correctly program volt response modes

The 2015 revision of the Australian standards for solar inverters (AS/NZS 4777.2) introduced several grid support functions to mitigate the overvoltage issues caused by solar power. Although some of these functions were merely suggested, nearly all inverter manufacturers I reached out to had adopted the recommended settings.

  • However, the issue arises with the preset values, which act as a severe limitation on your solar system’s performance. It’s crucial for your installer to adjust these settings. The volt-response settings vary slightly among Electricity Distributors. The following example illustrates the standard preset values versus the more accommodating values allowed by Energex and Ergon (Qld). If your electrician is not knowledgeable about the proper voltage settings and leaves your inverter at its preset values, your inverter will prematurely hit the overvoltage threshold.

 7.Use a three-phase inverter

Installing a 3-phase inverter is one solution. This type of inverter divides the current across three separate cables, meaning that instead of pushing 21 amps through a single cable to the grid, it sends 7 amps through each of the three cables. According to Ohm’s law, reducing the current also proportionally lowers the solar voltage rise.

Upgrading an older home to 3-phase can be cost-prohibitive. However, if 3-phase power is already available in your home, investing in a 3-phase solar inverter is advisable. For new constructions, adding 3-phase power during the build is not significantly more expensive. (Additionally, 3-phase installation enables the possibility of a larger solar system.)

Adopting these measures can effectively mitigate solar voltage rise, safeguard your equipment, and promote the sustainable utilization of renewable energy.

Volt response mode settings

Volt-Watt Response Mode

This outdated function is pre-set in your inverter to reduce in its maximum production capacity in a linear fashion between 250 volts and 265 volts. This means that if the voltage at your inverter is a legal 256 volts, then your inverter will be limited to 68% of its capacity. This will happen even if you are consuming all of your solar production and not contributing to voltage rise. That’s not splitting hairs – that’s like pulling on your handbrake while you’re cruising down the highway.

The CEC has pointed out that Volt-Watt response mode is a “blunt instrument”. I suggest in Qld we should be turning Volt-Watt off or increasing the lower limit to 255 volts. These values may be specified by your Electricity Distributor so it’s important to check that first. In Qld, the Volt-Watt setting is not required.

If the voltage at your inverter is a legal 256 volts, then your inverter will be limited to 68% … that’s not splitting hairs, that’s like pulling a handbrake …

Volt-Var Response Mode

Volt Var response mode will be OFF by default. If your sparkie takes the time to correctly enable Volt-Var mode, your inverter will gradually limit the production capacity when the voltage gets high. This can help prevent your inverter from tripping from overvoltage. (The values required in Qld are; between 248 volts and 253 volts, your inverter will reduce to 90% of its maximum capacity or a 0.9 power factor).

If the wrong mode is chosen, your inverter will be reduced to 90% of its maximum capacity even at normal operating voltages (eg, a 5kW inverter will only ever get to 4.5kW max).

Sustained overvoltage

Your inverter reaches 257 volts for 10 minutes – your inverter will turn off (a Qld Setting limit). If your sparkie ignores this adjustment, the inverter will turn off at 255 volts after 10 minutes.


If your voltage reaches 260 volts for more than 1 second – your inverter will turn off.


Your voltage reaches 265 volts. Your inverter will turn off.

The challenge arises when the installer is not familiar with the settings and needs to spend time adjusting your Fronius inverter on-site. Many inverters necessitate a Windows laptop and the appropriate adapter for these adjustments, which is inconvenient for MacBook users. Enphase and SolarEdge often require extensive efforts before their engineers will generate new grid profiles.

Ultimately, if your electrician does not modify the default settings of your inverter, it will shut down at conservative preset voltages. This is akin to driving with the handbrake engaged.

In conclusion,

with the increasing adoption of solar power, it’s crucial for owners of solar panels to understand solar voltage rise and implement strategies to mitigate it. Doing so will safeguard the safety, efficiency, and durability of their solar power systems. Measures such as installing voltage regulators, utilizing batteries, employing micro-inverters, and conducting consistent maintenance can protect equipment and support the expansion of renewable energy. Comprehending and managing solar voltage rise is an essential move towards a sustainable and dependable energy future.

Please take a look at the Solar Packages we offer:

Successful 13.3kw single phase system installation with 415w JA

successful 13.3kw single phase system installation with 415w JA mono perc half cell black frame panels ,10KW Goodwe single phase inverter installation.
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10 years workmanship warranty
✅ Installation by local CEC accredited installer
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440w Jinko N type mono perc half cells black frame panels with 30years performance warranty and 25 years production warranty.
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Another happy customer 💕😊 Natalie Wyatt

Review left by Natalie Wyatt
5 star
We were recommended to DJ Solar after having a bad experience with another solar company. This company was so professional. They were punctual in answering all of our questions and quick to give us an accurate and detailed quote of everything we asked for. They went to so much time to explain everything to us in detail. They steered us into organising our deposit and payments quickly and booked us in straight away. On the day they installed our solar they were so professional, tidied up after themselves, made hardly any disturbance and were respectful of our new painted roof and house. They also placed our solar panels so they are not an eyesore but more of an asset to our home. They know there stuff when it comes to solar and we were so fortunate and happy to find them. Get quotes before committing, beware of other over zealous sales people who want to rip you off and look for the real guys who care like DJ Solar. These guys are the real deal for solar installation!!!! Thanks so much to you all. We couldn’t be happier.

Tesla Plans a 20GW Storage Target in Australia

As you already know, Tesla is the largest electric vehicle manufacturing company out there. On top of that, you can also call Tesla the biggest battery storage developer.

Tesla Plans a 20GW Storage Target in Australia

Tesla: Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Recently, Tesla announced it Plans a 20GW Solar Energy Storage Project in Australia. Along with that, Tesla ensured that Australia has sufficient dispatchable power in order to transit to renewable energy. In other words, this will provide all the support needed by Australia when it is trying to use solar energy and wind energy to cater to most of the energy requirements. Along with these measures, solar energy will certainly get more attention in the country. Hence, you can think about investing in solar power in Brisbane as well. You will then be able to experience all benefits coming on your way.

What made Tesla invest in the solar energy targets of Australia?

The federal parliament of Australia made an inquiry from Tesla, as there was a requirement to proceed with dispatchable energy generation. Multiple companies were shortlisted for proceeding with this requirement, and Tesla was selected as the most appropriate one. That’s mainly because only a company such as Tesla is capable of delivering sufficient storage capabilities for the people in Australia. No other brand would be in a position to cater to the requirement in a similar way.

There is a high demand for solar panels in the Gold Coast and other parts of the country. Hence, there should be a reliable supplier, who can provide all the support needed for the solar energy transition of the country. Tesla comes into play as a great service provider to cater to all these requirements. Once this project is implemented, it will benefit all people in Australia, including the homeowners who invest in solar power Gold Coast.

When you deep dive and take a look at this initiative by the Australian government, you will notice how it is linked with multiple challenges. For example, there is a need to have quality batteries for the storage of electricity. A brand such as Tesla can help in overcoming these challenges. Hence, ensuring success with solar Gold Coast and other parts of the country will not be a challenge for the government.

Storage of electricity on batteries delivers modular, fast, and scalable deployment profiles. It is possible to deploy them at any given location within the network. It is even possible to deploy them in Brisbane and support people who invest in a solar system in Brisbane. On the other hand, batteries will have a lower carbon footprint when compared to pumped hydro projects and gas projects.

Batteries would act like wires

on Solar Park Photo by Zbynek Burival on

As of now, we are under-utilizing the power generation sources available out there. Along with the introduction of batteries, we will be able to overcome that problem. That’s because it will be possible for us to use batteries for the storage of energy. The need for Peaker Plants will decline with newer batteries. That’s because the grid will be able to store power that is generated from solar panels when there is surplus production. Energy stored in the batteries will discharge when there is peak demand. Batteries will also contribute towards the betterment of transmission infrastructure.

One of the biggest benefits that the Australian government can get out of implementing batteries in place is the ability to stay away from constructing new transmission lines. On the other hand, batteries can be super-helpful when the main grid is not dealing with a shortage of power. This would add value when compared to wires, which are meant only for transmitting power.

When the Australian government saves money, the general public can experience the benefits that come on their way in the long run. For example, the government will be able to provide more grants for the people who wish to install a solar system in Brisbane. You can reach out to a solar installer and see how much you can get as a grand when getting your solar system Gold Coast. We can expect that grant to increase in the future. This will be beneficial for solar installers of Gold Coast as well.

Battery leadership of Australia will continue during next years as well

Tesla Power Wall Photo by Unknown on

Australia is one of the leading countries that use battery technology for harnessing solar energy. At the time of getting one of the solar systems Brisbane, you may take a look at the way how Australia is getting the most out of batteries. This may even tempt you to get in touch with one of the solar installers Sunshine Coast for the installation of an off-grid solar energy system.
It seems like Tesla has made the right decision to work with Australia for implementing their battery technology. The country has seen booming solar and wind production and we can see hold the old coal plants are on their way to retirement. This creates excellent grid volatility. That’s because renewable energy generation would wane and wax. However, it can also create some challenges for the transmission network, which is hugging the coastal population belt. For example, a certain state could have excessive wind energy at a given time, but it will not be in a position to transmit energy to a neighbouring state.

Tesla will address all these issues when they implement the new technology. It will open doors for many other opportunities as well. You can call this one of the groundbreaking projects that take place in the country as of now. As you try to install solar panels with the help of the best solar panel installers Gold Coast, it is worthy to be aware of these advancements as well. Then you will know what to expect in the future in terms of energy generation.


How Can You Get Benefited?

Jump right in to the bandwagon now. The demand for solar energy systems will only increase hence the prices too. Get the best solar energy deals at our products page; DJ Solar Packages – Household and Business Solar Panels, Inverters and Installations

What is the Best Solar Inverter in Brisbane?

Are you interested in investing in solar power in Brisbane? Then it is high time to go ahead. Solar panels Gold Coast are gaining lots of attention, especially due to the amazing rebates that are available for people. You will never regret the decision that you take to get a solar power system in Brisbane. It will deliver amazing returns to you in the long run. However, Selecting the best solar inverter defines the success of your solar installation. With our expertise & experience, we can help you to choose an inverter that fits your needs. This is an overwhelming decision for most people since there are multiple solar inverters available. That’s why we thought of helping you by reviewing three of the best solar inverters available out there.

If you are keen to invest in solar Gold Coast, all you have to do is to get one of these inverters.

What is the Best Solar Inverter in Brisban FroniusFronius

Fronius solar inverters have been quite popular among people for the past 9 years. In fact, they were able to disrupt the solar energy generation industry by releasing an innovative inverter back in the year 2012. Fronius is an Austrian brand. Under the brand, you can get inverters for both residential as well as commercial use. When it comes to reliability and performance, Fronius is holding a prominent place. On top of that, you are receiving excellent support from the service team as well. One of the most impressive features that you can see in Fronius inverters is the presence of an active cooling system. If you want to use your solar system in Brisbane without an issue for many years, you will find this feature useful. In fact, it is one of the main reasons why Fronius is providing you with a 10-year warranty period as well. In other words, the active cooling system improves both performance and reliability of the solar inverter. Without a doubt, this is one of the best solar inverters in Brisbane.

Fronius is a Technically Advanced Solar Inverter

There is an integrated DC isolator present in this solar inverter as well. On top of that, you can find a unique design, which can make your life easy as you go ahead with installation or servicing. Due to the same reason, solar installers of the Sunshine Coast prefer to work with Fronius inverters as well. Along with the latest Fronius solar inverters, you can gain access to a Wi-Fi monitoring system as well. This will help you to keep your eyes on the solar system Gold Coast at all times. In other words, you can see how your solar panels are generating energy and how you consume generated energy. This is an easy-to-use app, and you will never come across any challenges while using it.


What is the Best Solar Inverter in Brisbane SungrowSungrow is one of the oldest solar inverter manufacturers out there in the world. In fact, the brand established manufacturing solar inverters in the year 1997. They offer a variety of residential solar inverters to the market as of now. These inverters are quite popular among solar systems in Brisbane. One of the biggest reasons behind the popularity of Sungrow inverters is the price tag. You can get some excellent features at an affordable price tag. Moreover, Sungrow is maintaining a strong reputation for reliability as well. The brand also has a good reputation for quality and service. There is a regional office of Sungrow located in Sydney. Hence, solar installers in Sunshine Coast can receive local support as they go ahead with installations. This also is among the best solar inverters in Brisbane.

An outstanding product offered by Sungrow is the hybrid solar inverter. This is among the most affordable hybrid inverters available for purchase in the market. It comes to you with integrated backup, which powers the most basic loads at the time of a blackout. Sungrow provides Wi-Fi monitoring along with its solar inverters. You can get this feature with all the new solar inverters available for purchase under the brand. You just need to access iSolarCloud, which is the cloud monitoring portal of Sungrow to get a better view of how your solar system is functioning. It has a simple and an easy to use interface, which provides all information that you need to know promptly.


What is the Best Solar Inverter in Brisbane? Growatt

GoodWe is a solar inverter manufacturer in China, which is quite popular in Australia as of now. A considerable percentage of solar panel installers of Gold Coast recommend GoodWe as well. The company started its operations back in the year 2010, and it is maintaining a strong reputation for offering both residential and commercial solar inverters. You can get simple solar inverters under the GoodWe brand. They come along with an LCD display, which provides convenient readings on how the entire system is functioning. However, you can also discover a large number of high-performance and premium range solar inverters available under the brand. Hence, people who want to get both residential and commercial solar inverters may take a look at the GoodWe brand.

GoodWe recently started offering hybrid solar inverters for homeowners in need. These hybrid inverters come along with exclusive battery systems. Out of them, the ES Series Hybrid Inverter is holding a prominent place. It is one of the best regulated hybrid solar inverters available for purchase in the market as of now. All GoodWe solar inverters come along with Wi-Fi monitoring. It is a standard feature that comes with the inverters. The GoodWe SEMS Monitoring Portal will help you to get detailed reports about solar energy generation. Moreover, you can get a comprehensive warranty of 10 years for the inverters. If you wish to extend the lifetime up to 25 years, you can do it as well.

Final words

These are three of the best solar inverters in Brisbane. You can cross-compare and settle down with the best brand out of them. if you have any doubts, it is better to have a discussion with your solar panel installer.

Why 2024 will be the Year of Solar Panels in Brisbane?

People in today’s world mainly use fossil fuels to get their energy requirements catered to. Unfortunately, this has given life to a large number of negative consequences. When fossil fuels are burnt, a large volume of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases get released into the air. This can contribute to global warming. As a result, the planet becomes a hotter place to live, and people will have to face a variety of negative consequences in the long run. However, with changing sentiments, 2024 can be predicted as the year of solar panels in Brisbane!

Solar panels seem to be a heating uptrend across the world, where people have equipped their roofs with a power-saving solar panel within the urban region mostly. There are plenty of people who are planning to fix a solar panel for their houses, but their biggest concern is the price and the probable energy-saving levels the solar panel would help them gain. Solar power can be expensive to install, but the benefits may last for life long.

By 2024, we can expect how solar panels will receive more demand from homeowners in Brisbane. If you are considering this option, you can continue to read. We will share that 2024 will be the year of solar panels.

Pros and Cons of Getting Solar Panels in Brisbane

2022 will be the year of Solar Panels in Brisbane!
Engineer Image:

It should be noted that an average house with a General Electric setup requires a 3kw solar system. The cost range would be between $4,000 to $9,000. The prices of solar panels have been dropping drastically with a magical 10% per year since the year 1980. This is mainly due to the Swanson law which forces a price reduction of 20% for every doubling of shipped volume. You can get a better understanding of the cost of installing solar panels at home by contacting one of the reputed solar panel installers in Brisbane.

You need to use the solar panel wisely in order to get the maximum benefit out of it. Adding a battery storage system would help you increase your solar savings. These battery storage systems will help you store the power generated during the daytime and use it up during the evening where you tend to use a lot of energy for lighting. In fact, solar panels could bring down your electricity bills by 50% if functioned properly. However, you should be mindful to go through the best solar power systems in Brisbane and settle down with the best option out of them.

It is true that you will have to spend a considerable amount of money upfront in order to purchase the solar panel. However, the benefits that you can receive from it, in the long run, are totally worth it when compared to the benefits that you can receive. In fact, you will be able to save up that amount in the long run, especially because you can save the money you spend on energy bills. The solar systems suppliers in Brisbane can help you with this by providing you with the best quality solar panel system.

Installation Time of Solar Panels in Brisbane

Guess the year of solar panels in Brisbane? it's 2022!
Solar Installation Image:

Installing a solar panel is no big deal. It could be done within 2 working days unless the weather disturbs your region. The company will consume 1-2 hours roughly on providing a firm quote and the inspection-related activities will consume 1-3 hours maximum. Gaining safe access to the roof would consume 4-5 hours and it will take only 4-5 hours to install the panel. However, it is better if you can seek the assistance of experts who install solar panels in Brisbane. Then you can end up securing the best results.

After the installation, it will take around 4-5 hours to install the electronics and it will take 3 hours to remove and clean up the scaffolding. So, approximately the total process would consume a minimum of 16 hours to a maximum of 24 hours.

Is 2022 Going to be the Year of Solar Panels in Brisbane? Yes!

When you take a look at the solar panel industry, you will notice that numerous reasons are contributing to the increased demand for solar panels. Before you buy solar panels in Brisbane, it is worth understanding what they are.

Solar Panels will be More Affordable

Save money by installing solar panels in Brisbane!
Save Money Image:

According to recent research conducted by Futurism, solar panel systems will be more affordable in 2022. In fact, the cost of Brisbane home solar panels will drop by around 25% in the year 2024. That’s mainly due to the decrease in production expenses. We can see how the average cost of manufacturing solar panels is reducing by 4.4% per year on average for the past few years. In 2024, we will be able to get the maximum benefit out of this.

More Suppliers

Getting solar panels in Brisbane will not be a nightmare for homeowners. The number of suppliers who offer solar panel systems is increasing along with time. You just need to go through the suppliers in your local area and pick the most reputed one out of them. Then you can get the new solar panel system installed on the roof, without spending a fortune. This will be a hassle-free experience as well.

Demand for Solar Products will Increase

Even though solar panels are being accepted by business owners and homeowners, we will also be able to see an increase in the demand for other solar products. They include solar-powered generators, smartphone chargers, and other similar equipment. This will convince people of the importance of harnessing renewable energy such as solar energy. In the long run, this will create a massive demand for solar energy and other related products.

Final Words

Now you have a better understanding of the solar energy trends that we can expect to see in 2022. You can get the most out of these trends by installing a solar energy system now. Go ahead and work with a supplier that you can trust. Take a look at the Solar Energy Systems offered by DJ Solar Briabane based solar company by clicking here: “Our Packages”

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Should You Get an off-grid Solar System

When you want to invest in solar power in Brisbane, you will have two main options to consider. The first option would be to get a grid-tied solar system. Or else, you may think about investing in an off-grid solar system as well. Both these options have pros and cons. Hence, it is better if you can evaluate them and go for the best option available. To make life easy for you, we will share the pros and cons of getting an off-grid solar system. We are here to help you decide whether should you get an off-grid Solar System.

Benefits of an off-grid solar system

Ability to save money

Should You Get an off-grid Solar System Car Parks are great for off grid solar
Offgrid Solar Car Park Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

When you get off-grid solar panels in Gold Coast, you will get the opportunity to experience significant monthly savings. Regardless of the initial cost, you will be able to continue saving a considerable amount of money every month. In fact, you will find yourself not spending any money on utilities. However, it is also important to understand that the exact amount you save would vary depending on the nature of the solar system that you have and your location. On average, off-grid solar power Gold Coast can help you save around $100 per month.
If you have net metering, it will be possible for you to sell back energy to your electric company as well. However, you will need to be tied to the grid. In case if you are looking forward to using energy generated on your own, it will still require you to have some ties with the local energy company.

You will not experience blackouts

After the investment on solar Gold Coast, you will never have to deal with blackouts again in your life. Even though blackouts rarely happen on Gold Coast, you should still be prepared for them. Then you can overcome the frustration that you will have to face. This is where an off-grid solar system can help you.
When there is no power in your neighbourhood, you will still have power thanks to the off-grid solar system. Hence, you can overcome the nuisance that power outages can lead you to. You will also be harnessing 100% of your energy requirements from the sun. Hence, you will have power as long as you get sunshine.
Having an in-grid solar system in Brisbane will not provide any blackout protection to you. If there is a power outage in your area, you will not have power. This is something that you should consider before approaching solar installers Gold Coast.

Should You Get an off-grid Solar System? Know the Drawbacks

You will not have a backup power source

After getting one of the off-grid solar systems in Brisbane, you will not have any backup power source. If you wish to keep backups of everything, it will not be the most appealing solution available out there for you to consider.
It is true that making the decision to be independent of the grid is a great one. However, it can still lead you to some major risks. For example, if you lose power due to a problem in the solar system, you will not have any alternative method to consider. You are provided with the responsibility of restoring power as well. This is where you will need to contact solar installers Gold Coast and see if they can help you. You will have to wait until experts come to your location and provide the assistance you want.

Pricing affects your decision of getting an off-grid solar system or not

Pricing drives the decision of whether Should You Get an off-grid Solar System
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Off-grid solar systems in Brisbane would cost you a fortune. If you are trying to buy a solar energy system for your home at an affordable price, it would not be the best solution available out there to consider. You will end up spending a considerable amount of money on the solar energy system.

You can reach out to one of the solar installers in Sunshine Coast and inquire about the price of an off-grid solar system. Then you will figure out how much extra money that you have to pay for it. The main reason why you have to pay extra is that you will be purchasing some additional components along with the solar energy system. For example, you will be spending your money on a battery, which continues to store energy that your solar panels generate. You will be consuming the energy stored in these batteries at night time, especially when the solar panels cannot generate any.

Limited storage

When it comes to an off-grid solar system, you will have to deal with storage limitations as well. It is true that you will have a power backup. But still, you will have limited storage to store energy. If you have to deal with cloudy weather for a few days, you will end up running out of stored electricity. This can lead you to many problems, as you don’t even have a backup option to consider.

You should focus more on energy efficiency

Should You Get an off-grid Solar System
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After getting an off-grid solar energy system from one of the solar panel installers Gold Coast, you should focus more on energy efficiency as well. For example, you should be extra careful about the way how you are using household energy. If you don’t do this calculation correctly, you will end up not having enough energy to power up your home.

Final words

As you can see, an off-grid solar system in Brisbane provides both benefits as well as drawbacks. It is up to you to evaluate both benefits and drawbacks carefully. Then you can figure out the best solution that is available to consider. In other words, you should ask the main motivation for you to go ahead with getting an off-grid solar system. Once you have an answer to that question, you can get in touch with DJ Solar, one of the leading solar installers Gold Coast and explain the need. Then you can get your preferred solar energy system installed.

Please take a look at the Solar Packages we offer:

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Latest Updates on Australian Solar Energy Rebate

Australia loves solar power. The country is on a mission to encourage people to start using solar energy. To facilitate that, the country is currently on its mission to establish an affordable and reliable solar energy system as well. We could see lots of restrictions taking place in Australia during the recent past due to COVID-19. Regardless of that, the popularity of solar energy skyrocketed in the country. The demand for solar power in Brisbane clearly proves the above-mentioned fact. DJ Solar, a Clean Energy Council accredited Solar Systems installation company in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast can help you with the Australian Solar Energy Rebate. 

Should you invest in solar panels Gold Coast?

Australian Solar Energy Rebate Solar Panels in Brisbane
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Whether you live on Gold Coast, or anywhere else in the world, this is high time for you to invest your money in solar panels. You will get the opportunity to receive a variety of benefits by making your investment. Hence, no Australian should miss out on the opportunity that is available in front of them.

In case if you are in the market to invest in solar Gold Coast, you will notice how your Facebook feed is flooded with the advertising messages of different solar retailers. All of them are promoting the government subsidiaries. You will be tempted to buy a solar system in Brisbane by going for those offers. Before that, it is worthy to have a basic understanding of the benefits that a solar system Gold Coast offers and the rebate that you can claim. Then you will be convinced to go ahead and invest your money wisely.

What exactly is the government solar rebate?

Most people who invest in solar systems in Brisbane are aware of the government solar rebate. However, there are still many confusions in the minds of people. That’s why we thought of sharing a detailed guide on the solar rebates.

According to o solar rebate Australia, small businesses and households across the country that go ahead and install small-scale solar energy systems can receive a rebate as a benefit. This rebate is offered by the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme. You can use this rebate to cover up a portion of the purchase cost.

If you deep dive and take a look at the rebate, you will figure out that it is nothing but a discount that you can claim on the quote. When you are about to get a solar energy system, you will get in touch with one of the solar installers Gold Coast. Then you can receive a quote. This discount is applicable to the quoted price. Hence, you will end up purchasing your solar system without spending a lot of money. You can receive the rebate or discount in the form of Small Scale Technology Certificates or STCs.

Are STCs and government solar rebates the same?

Australian Solar Energy Rebate Solar Systems in Brisbane
Image by: redgreystock 

 This is the most confusing question that people have related to the Australian solar rebate. Small Scale Technology Certificates are pretty much equivalent to environmental credits. You will be able to exchange or trade these certificates for an upfront discount when purchasing the solar energy system. However, you should make sure that you are making the purchase under the Small Scale Renewable Energy Scheme of the government.

Now you know why people interchangeably use the term STC Scheme for the government solar rebate. The STCs that you can get usually contain a dollar value. This dollar value is not a fixed one. It is fluctuating based on the demand that is available for solar installers Sunshine Coast and other parts of the country. Likewise, changes in government and many other environmental factors can create an impact on the dollar value of the STCs.

How do you calculate the value of STCs?

Australian Solar Energy Rebate Solar Panels in Brisbane Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast
Image by: vectorjuice by

It is better if you can be aware of how to calculate the number of STCs you can get as well. Then you can approach solar panel installers Gold Coast and get the see how much of a discount that you can secure clearly. Calculating the number of STCs you can receive as a part of the rebate is not something difficult. You can do it on your own. Here’s a simple formula that you can use to do it.

The number of STCs you can get = zone rating x number of years left in scheme x kW solar system size

Until the year 2030, the number of years left in the scheme, or the deeming value will reduce. Therefore, the number of certificates that the government rebate issues will be reduced as well. If the number of STCs that you can get is low, you will end up having a lower discount. This is something that you need to be mindful of. In fact, it is a reason why you need to go ahead with solar systems in Brisbane as soon as possible. Then you are eligible to receive the highest possible discount.

As you can see in the above formula, the postcode is another major factor that determines the number of STCs that you can secure. It will calculate the total quantity of the renewable energy certificates that the photovoltaic system will be eligible for upon installation. In every zone, there is a difference in solar radiation levels. That’s the main reason why the government considers your region when determining the number of STCs that you are eligible to receive.

Final words

Now you have a complete understanding of the solar energy rebate that is available for you to grab in Australia. While keeping these facts in mind, you may calculate the number of STCs that you can receive. Then you can reach out to solar panel installers Gold Coast and explain your needs. Based on that, you will end up getting a quote with a discount. You can then make the decision to go ahead and get your solar energy system installed on the roof. Please take a look at the packages we offer at:

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